Cristina Baroglio
Associate Professor
- Dipartimento di Informatica
- SSD: INF/01 - informatics

- +39 011 670 67 03
- Dipartimento di Informatica via Pessinetto 12, Torino
- Contacts VCard
- Computer Science Department
- Dipartimento di Informatica
- Corso di laurea in Fisica
- Corso di laurea in Informatica
- Corso di laurea in matematica
- Corso di laurea magistrale in Informatica
- PhD in Computer Science
- Architettura dei calcolatori e sistemi operativi (MAT0325)
Corso di laurea in matematica - Programmazione II (INF0330)
Corso di laurea in Informatica - Sistemi Intelligenti (MFN0607)
Corso di laurea in Informatica
Sistemi Operativi (primo semestre)
Laurea in Informatica
Programmazione 1 (primo semestre)
Laurea in Informatica
Sistemi Intelligenti (secondo semestre)
Laurea in Informatica
Research topics
- Accountability and Responsibility for Engineering Multiagent Systems
- Multi-agent Systems
- Commitment-based approaches, and Interaction Protocols
- Computational Ethics in Sociotechnical Systems (see link)
- Conformance and interoperability
- Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services (go to the REWERSE home page)
- Adaptation based on reasoning (see home page)
- Automatic teaching to artificial agents (hybrid -symbolic/non-symbolic- learning systems, reinforcement learning)
- IFS-based image representation (fractals, go to the Fractal Feature Extraction for Image Recognition Home Page)
Events and activities
Highlight: diversity and inclusion co-chair at AAMAS 2024 (International conference on Agents and Multi-Agent Systems) together with Pinar Yolum Birbil (Univ. Utrecht). See you in New Zealad!
- l'Intelligenza Artificiale Giocando, crowdfunding (2021-2022): we were one of the three projects selected by University of Torino campaign Funds Together
- AAMAS 2022, International conference on Agents and Multi-Agent Systems where I serve as EMAS (Engineering Multi-Agent Systems) Area Chair link
- EMAS 2020, 8th International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems link
- WESAAC 2019, 13nd Workshop-School on Agents, Environments, and Applications link
- PRIMA 2019, the 22nd International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems link
- Computational Accountability and Responsibility in Multiagent Systems (CARe-MAS) Workshop @ PRIMA 2017, link
- CfP of ACM Trans. on Internet Technology special section on "Computational Ethics and Accountability: Intelligent Systems for Business Ethics and Social Responsibility" txt, pdf
- PRIMA 2015, 18th Int. Conf. on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent (tutorial chair) home page
- AAMAS 2015, Int. Conf. on Autonomous Agents & Multi-Agent Systems (tutorial chair): home page
- AI*IA 2013, XXV anniversary of AI*IA (co-chair): home page
- MALLOW-AWESOME010 (co-chair): home page
- MALLOW'009 and EASSS'009 (respectively co-chair and organizer): home page
- MALLOW-AWESOME'009 (co-chair): home page
- Reasoning Web Summer School 2008 (organizer): home page
- DALT'08: home page
- MALLOW'007 (co-chair, check for mallow-awesome'007): home page
- Reasoning Web Summer School 2007 (organizer): home page
- Summer School Chambery-Torino 2006 (organizer): home page
- CWSCDL: WS-CDL extended with capabilities
- Oggetti-Agenti: association home page
- DALT'06: Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies workshop home page
- PersWeb'05: Personalization on the Semantic Web workshop home page
- WEBIST'05: Web Information systems and Technologies conference home page
- WOA04: workshop home page
- Int. Doctoral School Chambery-Torino, 2004 edition (organizer): home page
- Intelligenza Artificiale: journal home page
Research groups
- AI research @ Dipartimento di Informatica
- Knowledge representation, Automated Reasoning, Logic and ontologies
- Social Computing (SoCom)
- Didattica dell'Informatica
- Rappresentazione della conoscenza, ragionamento automatico, logica e ontologie
- Ricerca sull'Intelligenza Artificiale @ Dipartimento di Informatica
- Social Computing
Research projects
All my research projectsActivities in agenda
Academic bodies
Office hours
Su appuntamento, inoltrare la richiesta via mail indicando, per cortesia il corso o il motivo per il quale si desidera fissare un incontro
On appointment, please send an email clearly specifying the name of the course I teach that you attend and the reasons for which you would like to meet
Ruoli istituzionali
Referente per gli studenti con disabilità
Membro del comitato direttivo del Teaching and Learning Center
Membro del tavolo per l'inclusione di studenti e studentesse con disabilità e con DSA (in precedenza del gruppo di lavoro sulla disabilità/DSA del senato accademico)
Vice-direttrice per la didattica (1 ott 2018 - 30 sett 2021)
Tutor per il Dottorato in Informatica
Guardo nel buio e ne scorgo le luci; Nulla è nulla.
(C. Zabai)