Public engagement
Our scholarly engagement efforts provide service and knowledge that impact our global society. We invite you to explore our italian website to learn about events that are open to the public, communication projects (both online and off line), scientific education activities in schools, initiatives to enhance participatory democracy.
Computer Science Department is involved in many activities with Schools (primary, secondary and high-schools), mainly through its Commissione Orientamento e Informatica nelle Scuole whose goals are:
- connecting the Dipartimento with the local schools, on topics related with teaching Computer Science,
- coordinating activities related with the transfer of high school students to Univeristy Degrees where Computer Science is a major topic
Present and past activities
The following are some past and present activities carried by the Computer Science Department with the local schools.
Directed to school teachers:
- T4T (Teachers for Teachers), free labs for teachers of schools of all kinds and levels (since 2012)
- sites on the Moodle platform about activities of Computer Science for Schools
- meeting Didattica Aperta (2014)
- organization of the First TeachersConference ISSEP Conference 2015 in Liubjana
- Social4School a project for increasing digital awareness
Directed to students:
- sites on the Moodle platform about the Olimpiadi dell'Informatica (Computer Science Olympics) (up to 2011/2012)
- participation to the event Notte del ricercatore
- labs of introduction to programming at different levels
- seminars for disseminating Computer Science for High Schools
- projects Alternanza Scuola Lavoro: within these projects, students have
- participated to lab activities (to learn how to create a personal web site)
- been involved in research projects of the Dipartimento (as OntoMap, and a project on social media and sentiment analysis)
- partecipation to project Bambine e bambini all’Università (Children at the University) organized by Agorà Scienza within which the Dipartimento di informatica has given hospitality to groups of primary school children offering activities taken from Programma il Futuro
- participation to project Summer Junior University organized by Comune di Torino with activities taken from Programma il Futuro and with Scratch
Official Agreements with Institutions and Associations
- Città di Torino for project Scuola 2.0 aimed at introducing Computer Science in a structured way in primary and secondary schools, experimenting with innovative ways of teaching.
- Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per il Piemonte (USR Piemonte) for the continuous update of the Computer Science skills of Public Schools teachers
- Associazione Magistrale Nicolò Tommaseo
Social media
Special contents on line:
- #donneinformatiche - A weekly appointment on facebook with the presentation of the female scientists who most influenced the history of computer science.
For more contents about public engagement visit the italian website