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Signal and Images "G. Tamburelli"


The lab was founded in 1985 when the new course of Image Processing was included for the first time in the curriculum of the Master Degree in Information Science. In 1990 the lab was named in honor to Giovanni Tamburelli, professor at the Turin University. In the course of the years the lab has evolved along with the technological progress. Nowadays the lab constitutes the research hub of the activities of the EIDOS group in the following areas of image processing and computer graphics:

  • Computer vision
    The research activities are devoted to the development of computer vision algorithms ranging from the design of interactive interfaces for 3D graphics applications, e.g. videogames, to industrial vision techniques for object recognition and biometric and forensic applications for identity verification and attribution.
  • Digital image processing
    The research activities consist in the design of image processing algorithms for restoration, segmentation, feature extraction and watermarking for data protection and integrity verification. The fields of applications are image and video coding (both 2D and 3D), cultural heritage, and biomedical imaging.
  • Computer graphics
    In this area the lab expertise is devoted to 3D graphics optimization; in particular we target the development of scalable techniques for mesh and texture rendering and animation to enable seamless fruition on heterogeneous devices, e.g. TV, tablet, PC and game consoles.
  • Virtual and augmented reality
    In this area the lab goal is to develop serious games using virtual reality for learning, training, and medical rehabilitation. In this area techniques for the simulation of real or virtual worlds and phenomena are developed. Simulation in a virtual world allows simple interaction with objects that in the real world are far away in space and/or in time. In this area all previous competences are glued together to design innovative and complex virtual and augmented reality systems using state of the art graphical and physical simulation library.

The lab currently hosts the following hardware:

  • Corobot Robot Pc 4 wheels, robotic arm with 4 DOF, IR sensors, video camera, Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio
  • Digital Metric Camera Rollei D30 Metrica
  • Epson Expression 10000XL
  • HP XW8400, 2 Cpu Xeon, Ram 16 Gb, Hd 4 X 146 Gb
  • Workstation HP Z800 2 Intel Xeon X5560 2.8 Ghz, Ram 48Gb, Nvidia Quadro Fx4800 1.5 Gb, 1 Hd Sata 1.5 Tb 7200 Rpm + 2 Hd Sas 300 Gb 15K Rpm, Tesla C1060 Gpu
  • Tracking system Sensor Nest of Birds with 6 degrees of freedom and 4 Mid Range Transmitters
  • 4 Emagin 3Dvisor Z800 Z3V
  • 1 Oculus Rift development kit
  • 5DT Data Glove 5 Ultra (Mano Dx) DG5UR
  • Phantom Omni Haptic Device
  • 3D Panasonic TV
  • 1 Kinect for Windows and 2 Kinect for Windows V2
  • 3 Sony Handycam DCR-HC42E
  • COGNEX In-Sight 5000 industrial vision camera


Mailbalossino [at]

Last update: 17/09/2020 18:26
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